Commitment to employees and local communities

Human Rights

KATCO Compliance system is aimed at providing compliance support to KATCO activities, including compliance with mandatory regulatory requirements and international practices on anti-corruption and influence peddling, minimization of compliance risks arising from non-compliance with anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legislation of other countries having extraterritorial impact and affecting the KATCO activities, as well as the Company standards and rules in the field of ethics;

In its activities, KATCO Compliance Department is guided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Anti-Corruption” as of 18 November 2015, the Law of the French Republic 2016-1691 “On Transparency, Anti-Corruption and Economic Modernization” as of 9 December 2016, other regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing the KATCO activities, as well as KATCO internal compliance regulations, such as: Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, Compliance Policy, Initiative Reporting Policy, Gifts Policy, Third Party Compliance Review Procedure, etc.

To inform about fraud, corruption, ethical violations, discrimination, KATCO employees can address their concerns by sending a report to the secure web platform:

Third Parties, in case of similar violations by KATCO employees, may contact the following e-mail address: This e-mail address is indicated in all contracts of the Company and is available to all Third Parties having a contractual relationship with KATCO.

KATCO will conduct prompt responses and activities to mitigate compliance risks and take measures to ensure protection of the claimant.

Written requests and reports to the managers

Whistleblowing hotline/grievance box

Hot line of the Compliance Service

Code of ethics

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Date added: 2023-11-21

KATCO JV LLP was founded in 1996 by the French state-owned company Orano (51%) and Kazakhstani national atomic company Kazatomprom JSC (49%) to develop uranium deposits in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

KATCO, known for its social orientation and responsibility, is one of the largest employers in the Sozak district of Turkestan oblast. Today the company is an ISR operator of one of the world's largest uranium deposits.

Thanks to its experienced and professional employees, as well as high standards of work and safety, KATCO is considered one of the largest and most successful uranium mining companies in the world, an advanced example of uranium mining industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Contact Information:
Z05P7Y7, Kazakhstan,
Astana city, Geidar Aliyev street, block 16
Phone: +7 7172 69 21 21
Fax: +7 7172 69 21 20
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