Kazakh-French Joint Venture KATCO was established in 1996 as a result of cooperation between the French state-owned company Orano and Kazakhstani national atomic company Kazatomprom. The shareholders account for 51% and 49% of shares, accordingly.
KATCO develops, mines and processes uranium at Tortkuduk and Muyunkum sites of Muyunkum deposit in Sozak district of Turkestan oblast.
The Company uses in-situ recovery (ISR) technology, which is the most environmentally friendly and low-cost method of mining. More than 50% of uranium in the world is produced using the ISR technology. Today, KATCO is the ISR operator of one of the largest uranium deposits in the world.
In August 2022, KATCO was granted a mining license for a new site called South Tortkuduk. Its location between the existing sites will ensure a stable production for the Company over the next decade.
KATCO mission is to be a uranium mining benchmark for customers worldwide, in a safe and sustainable manner, thanks to its people and expertise.